Fact sheet – Integration in Office Buildings Optimizing Building-Grid
Published by the New Buildings Institute
Optimizing Building-Grid Integration in Office Buildings
This factsheet recommends selected high-impact building design and operational strategies for office buildings.
As we transition to a clean energy future, building equipment will need to optimize opportunities for grid integration and demand flexibility. Through three years of study, the GridOptimal Initiative has developed recommendations for selected high-impact building design and operational strategies for homes and buildings. They are based on a wide variety of research, including building-scale and grid-scale simulation modeling and on-the-ground GridOptimal pilot project experience.
Factsheets are available for other building types and for specific regions across the U.S. Office buildings can save costs, reduce carbon emissions, and help advance energy system decarbonization through time- of-use energy efficiency, smart devices, connected controls, and distributed energy resources such as onsite/community solar and energy storage. The recommendations in this factsheet are based on a wide variety of research, including building-scale and grid-scale simulation modeling and on-the-ground GridOptimal pilot project experience.