Great Lakes Restoration Initiative FY 2023 Request for Applications (RFA) to Create Great Lakes Environmental Justice Grant Programs (GLEJGPs) by the EPA

Listing Category

Funding: Approximately $30,000,000 may be awarded for one to six cooperative agreements over approximately six years.


Nonfederal governmental entities, including: state agencies,interstate agencies, federally recognized Indian tribes and tribal organizations, local governments, institutions of higher learning (i.e., colleges and universities), and non-profit organizations as defined in 2 C.F.R. § 200

The following are not eligible:

Individuals, foreign organizations and governments, nonprofit organizations exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code that engage in lobbying, and “for-profit” organizations.

Additional Notes:

This Request for Applications is expected to result in the award of cooperative agreements to support the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Action Plan III (pdf) (12.51 MB, October 2019) . This RFA is the Great Lakes National Program Office’s (GLNPO’s) major competitive grant funding opportunity for FY-23 to help fulfill EPA’s commitment to Environmental Justice (EJ) by establishing Great Lakes Community Environmental Justice Grant Programs to be used for issuing and overseeing subawards for environmental restoration projects in historically underserved Great Lakes communities.

This RFA is targeted at a pass-through entity or entities ("principle recipients") with established relationships with underserved communities or with the ability to quickly build and sustain such relationships with those communities in order to develop and implement a sub-award funding program to fund projects in those communities pursuant to the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Action Plan III.

Deadline to Apply: August 11, 2023


General RFA Contact for administrative, eligibility, and other general RFA questions – Cara Walsh (

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