Revitalization and Placemaking 2.0 (RAP 2.0) Program by MEDC

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Funding: The Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) has opened the Revitalization and Placemaking 2.0 (RAP 2.0) program. The City of Grand Rapids intends to submit a Regional Real Estate Rehabilitation Subgrant Program application for qualified real estate rehabilitation projects located within the City.

The MEDC has allocated $13 million for Region 4 that includes the City of Grand Rapids. This total allocation will also be shared with any other real estate rehabilitation projects and placemaking projects submitted within our region. If you have a proposal for a placemaking project, please click here to go to The Right Place's proposal portal and review the requirements for the placemaking application.

Qualifications: In addition to the MEDC’s eligibility requirements, the City is implementing the following criteria for projects to be included in its Regional Subgrant Program application:

All projects must be shovel ready and be completed by September 30, 2027: This means that applicants must have made significant progress on project design/development and financing, and if RAP 2.0 grant funds are awarded, will be able to start construction shortly after the award. Applicants must own or have an option to purchase the proposed project property, and projects must have a timeline that shows project completion no later than September 30, 2027.The City’s RAP 2.0 application will be focused on meeting the community’s housing needs: Projects must include a housing component, and projects that allocate at least a portion of the housing component as affordable (households earning ≤60% area median income (AMI) for rental housing or ≤80% AMI for homeownership) will be considered more favorably. This does not mean that all housing must be affordable, but each project should consider including an affordable housing component. Any project that does not include a housing component will not be considered.The City has also established a website that provides details and information about how to submit your project proposals to the City of Grand Rapids. Submitting your project does not guarantee it is eligible and/or will be selected based on the grant application criteria. However, this is a required step for your project to be considered for inclusion in the City’s Regional Subgrant Application.

Additional Notes: Before submitting your proposal, you should review all the RAP 2.0 Grant information detailing eligibility requirements for real estate rehabilitation projects on the MEDC’s program website.

Deadline to Apply: May 31, 2023 5:00 PM
