The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP)

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Ask us your questions directly during our GRRP Office hours!Join us Wednesdays from 3:00-3:30 PM EST (no registration necessary): Hours recordings are now available on HUD's YouTube channel

Provides funding for direct loans and grants to fund projects that improve energy or water efficiency, enhance indoor air quality or sustainability, implement the use of zero-emission electricity generation, low-emission building materials or processes, energy storage, or building  electrification strategies, or address climate resilience, of eligible HUD-assisted multifamily properties. 

There is also funding available under this provision for HUD’s benchmarking initiative that will finance Energy and Water benchmarking of HUD-assisted properties to measure usage and efficiency of those properties. Owners do not have to receive a grant or loan under GRRP to participate in HUD’s Benchmarking Initiative. Eligible owners primarily include owners receiving HUD rental assistance under Multifamily Section 8 project-based rental assistance, Section 202 Supportive Housing for Low-Income Elderly, and Section 811 Supportive Housing for Low-Income Persons with Disabilities.
